
Friday, 6 September 2013

Cambridge University Summer School Day 2 | Lifestyle

Hi there!

On to Day 2 of my adventure at Cambridge University!

My view when I woke up from the first nights sleep
Trust me to go and find a massive sweet shop, I couldn't leave empty handed of course!

Walking around Cambridge Town in our free time we came across this restaurant/pub, thought it looked pretty cool! 
I so badly wanted to try some food from here but I knew we had dinner ready for us when we got back to St John's College so I resisted the temptation!
These two pictures were from inside the college we stayed at for the week, it was such a lovely place to be. I also didn't realise you can actually go into the college as a tourist, would definitely recommend it!
To finish off the day we went for a punting trip on the river, it was such a fantastic experience. Again it was something I'd never done before but I will certainly be going again if I get the chance!
Now of course, I haven't mentioned any of the lectures or academic sessions throughout the day. I didn't take photos in these sessions however will tell you a bit about them.

Our first lecture was Anatomy in Magdalene College. It was really interesting and took us through some of the basic terms needed, such as the planes of the body and how to describe whereabouts in the body a mass is for example. We then had a lecture about Pain and why we need it, this in my opinion was the best of the day. We learnt about the situation when an individual has had a body part amputated and they still feel the pain in that part of the body, despite it being removed. The next academic session was in a lab where we had kidney cells and learnt to stain them and then had a look at them under the microscope. Our final academic session of the day was a Supervision, before the session I really had no idea what it involved exactly, we were told roughly that it'd be something in a group and we get the chance to talk with a lecturer on a smaller group scale. We were put into these groups and I hadn't spoken or met any of the people in my group before the session; it was a really good way to spend time with people you haven't yet had the chance to speak to.

After the academic sessions had finished we had some free time, we took a trip into the sweet shop and then into town as well before heading back for dinner and then punting.

If you haven't already then make sure to check out Day 1 as well which can be found here.

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