Well hi there and welcome to the first blog post of 2014, exciting stuff!
Now, first off I want to apologise for the lack of blogging towards the end of 2013, as some of you know I'm in Sixth Form and I've been so, so busy with everything I just never seemed to have the time. This year I want to make sure I do make the time, primarily this blog was based on beauty reviews and I certainly want to carry that on however I also want to bring in some new ideas, maybe some fashion and a lot more lifestyle?
So, to begin the year what better way than with some New Year's resolutions! Here are mine...
* Try to cut back on the amount of sugary foods - I am a BIG sweet tooth and this year I'm going to try to cut back a little bit, emphasis on the 'little bit', on sugary treats. I'm going to try to switch them with fruit or something a bit healthier. If you have any healthy tips/recipes that might help then please share!
* Say 'yes' to every opportunity that comes my way - I love trying new things and saying 'yes' to every opportunity will definitely allow me to try a lot more different things to normal. Why don't you all try the same?
* Try to adventure out on more days out - Having a good day out is something I LOVE and this year I'm going to try to plan some day trips with friends and family, any good ideas on places to visit?
What are all your New Years resolutions, any similar to mine?
Now I have a question, I know my blog at the moment is quite a small part of the internet and I would love for it to become bigger this year. Does anyone have any tips or ideas for my blog which you think may improve it (I will welcome any constructive criticism!). Also does anyone have anything in particular they would like me to blog about?
Don't forget as always to give me a follow on Bloglovin and leave any comments below. Feel free to advertise your blog below in the comments too as I would love a good read!
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