
Sunday, 12 January 2014

Weekly Feel Good Quote #2

Hi everyone!

Firstly again I would like to apologise for my lack of posts and lack of sticking to my schedule I posted on twitter, revision for A Levels has been so intense recently and I don't want to be writing blog posts when I'm in the middle of all of that and just rushing them; instead I prefer to take my time over these posts and make sure they're the best they can be, hopefully you'll all understand!

So, my essay of an apology aside, I would like to welcome you back to Weekly Feel Good Quote!
I'm going to guess that around this time of year everybody is looking back at the resolutions they made on the 31st December 2013 and realising that they may not be fully accomplishing them, I know I am! One of mine was that I wanted to eat healthier and I know that I've let that slip a few times. Here's my advice, first off, don't worry if you are not on the ball 100%, everybody is allowed a few slips here and there and one of my favorite sayings is that 'everything is good in moderation'. If you wanted to stop eating junk food altogether then maybe alter it to eating more healthier food. If you wanted to keep on top of all of your work then maybe write a plan for each week?

I think my main point is that if you want to achieve something then you need to work for it, that doesn't mean however that you have to forget everything else and focus all your efforts onto one particular thing. 

Many little steps make giant leaps and each little step you take you should feel proud of!

Don't forget as always to give me a follow on Bloglovin and leave any comments below. Feel free to advertise your blog below in the comments too as I would love a good read!

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